In recent years, urban planning and public health professionals have recognized the role the planning profession plays in sustaining community health. During much of the twentieth century, public health professionals believed that the key to community health was an individual’s health. If we focus on individuals, and improve their health, we would improve the community’s health. However, starting in the 1970s, the context or environment in which individuals live their lives, make their behavioral decisions, once again was recognized as influencing health outcomes. Concerns about tobacco and lead, then obesity, have reinforced theoretical concepts about the role of environment in sustaining individual health.
This course examines the complicated relationship of health and environment by exploring the development, conceptualization, and practice of community health planning over the last generation. The course will examine community health planning from a variety of perspectives, including urban design, transportation, social/community, and economic development. The course assignments revolve around the practice of community health planning. In class, we will discuss theory and conceptualization, while in the assignments, you will be applying tools and concepts in the field.
RGL 209, Wednesday, 2:00-5:20pm