Explores How the 1918 flu pandemic can inform our COVID-19 future 19 March 2021 LINK
Coronavirus could change funerals — and, with them, how we handle death
Interviewed in the Tampa Bay Times, Coronavirus could change funerals — and, with them, how we handle death. LINK
Folding paper cranes sparks global movement to remember COVID-19 victims
Interviewed in LA Times, Folding paper cranes sparks global movement to remember COVID-19 victims LINK
What’s the Difference Between a Cemetery and a Graveyard?
Interviewed by Snopes, What’s the Difference Between a Cemetery and a Graveyard? LINK
Death Rituals are Changing, Let’s Talk About How and Why
Professor David Sloane, author of Is The Cemetery Dead?, discusses how our attitudes toward death are changing — and disrupting the funeral industry including three trends: cremation, green burials and social grieving. Mutual of Omaha, 10/2019 LINK
Canadian Cremation Rates are Rising, Why?
Professor David Sloane, author of Is The Cemetery Dead?, is quoted about general trends around cremation, and why cremation has increased so rapidly. by Madeline Cummings, The cost of dying: How a spike in cremation is changing the funeral industry. Canadian Broadcast Company (2/16/2020) LINK
The cost of dying: How a spike in cremation rates is changing the funeral industry Social Sharing
Interviewed by CBD Radio, The cost of dying: How a spike in cremation rates is changing the funeral industry. LINK
New Book is Out!
I am pleased to announce that the University of Chicago Press has published my new book, Is the Cemetery Dead? (2018). A brief description of the book can be found under Publications. The book examines contemporary challenges to the cemetery as a lens into broader questions of shifting cultural attitudes toward nature, mourning, and commemoration.
Welcome to my new website!
2013 has been a very good year so far: My colleagues and I have published new articles related to street gangs and civil gang injunctions, identifying high risk youth for secondary prevention, and improving GIS methodology related to fear of crime, as well as a wonderful article primarily researched by my doctoral student Bryce Lowery … Read More